Tuesday 3 July 2018

What are the Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors?

Possible Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors - A Review

Given how commonly these medications are prescribed, it is important to know about proton pump inhibitors side effects. PPIs are a cluster of medications which are utilized to treat some of the most basic gastric complaints. The most widely recognized clinical forms of this medication encompass Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Dexlansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole and Rabeprazole. Like all medications, they have collateral effects on the human body, some short lived and others, lifelong and more serious.

Our Stomach Requires Acid

Some years back in June 2010 FDA issued a warning to users and doctors that high dosages or, long term usage of proton pump inhibitors (or PPIs), raises the risks for hip, wrist and spine fractures. Proton Pump Inhibitors are the most used heartburn cures that help lessen stomach acid. These medications work really well, but in any case folks, we require our stomach acid! Lack of stomach acid is termed Hypochlorhydria, or lack of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Stomach acid is required in the absorption of nutrients, particularly vitamin B12, the digestion of proteins and termination of pathogens.

The acids of the stomach carry off a double task. Of course, they assist in the digestive process. They further help in fighting a ton of bacteria, as an acidic medium is deadly for all bacteria. Nonetheless, like everything else related with the body, there is a subtle balance that should be maintained. At times the acid can cause harm, for example, when there is over-secretion (gastritis, normally stress induced) or if the acid continually backs up into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux). Acids, as we probably are aware of are destructive, and in this manner, in these cases, can lead to damage of the stomach lining prompting peptic ulcers or the inflammation of esophageal walls.

In brief, PPIs are drugs that assist in regulating the flow of gastric acids into the gut. By decreasing the fundamental amount of acid flowing in, PPIs diminish the odds of the acid flowing back into the esophagus and furthermore provide the required time for the ulcers to heal.

All things said, now let us have a short discussion on what are the side effectsof proton pump inhibitors?

Short Lived Side Effects

Proton pump inhibitors' side effects that are short lived are like those caused to the body, while it is adjusting to all of the new medications. Most of the primary complaints are nausea, rashes, fatigue, migraines, dizziness, stomach pain and loose bowels. Depression and anxiety may also occur, yet these are greatly rare cases.

Long Term Side Effects

Proton pump inhibitors side effects which last a lifetime are all the more upsetting and affect individuals, who utilize the medication over a prolonged period and/or potentially in huge doses. The environment within the stomach is of purely acidic nature. As specified before, this aides in fighting off the hurtful impacts of bacteria. PPIs, by controlling acid flow in the gut make it significantly more powerless against bacterial infection. Likewise, the trachea and the esophagus have a common opening in the mouth. When we are lying down, and this is common, now and then food particles move up the esophagus and into the trachea. Anyhow, with the higher occurrence of bacteria in the stomach, these particles, on the off chance that they get to the lungs, are substantially more liable to cause bacterial pneumonia.

Additional Side Effects

  • Strength of the bones may as well take a hit because of prolonged usage of PPIs. Two minerals, to a great degree significant to the growth and strength of bones, vitamin B12 and calcium, are not absorbed adequately if the gastric acid levels go very low. Individuals who have consumed PPIs for a longer spans of time are seen to be, really helpless to fractures, particularly in the hip. So, the usage of these medications have to be specifically supervised for osteoporosis patients.

  • A specific bacterium called Clostridium difficile can be extremely damaging to the body. It can produce major internal damage including colitis, inflammation of colon walls and near deadly diarrhea. It is more hazardous in light of the fact that it is easily transmitted through oral ingestion. Our immune system can, in the normal course, guard us against it. In any case, the changed environment in the gut coming about because of PPI use, can make us exposed to infection from this bacterium.

  • Among various additional complaints related with these medications is rebound hyperacidity; when a prolonged user stops it. This can give rise to heightened dyspepsia. PPIs furthermore obstruct absorption and affect concentration of different medications. For instance, ketoconazole absorption is reduced and digoxin concentration is augmented.

FDA recommends that you consult your doctor before getting off these medications. At long last the FDA is advising patients not to take OTC PPIs longer than 14 days, and no more than three 14-day treatment courses in a single year. They are encouraging specialists to offer lower doses and/or shorter spans. Here we end our discussion about what are the sideeffects of proton pump inhibitors?


Its advised that one takes PPIs under the supervision of a doctor and furthermore, report any reaction to the physician.

Monday 21 May 2018

Side Effects of PPIs Are Multifarious

If you want to know about the kind of side effects that PPIs have, you should first look at how they function. Proton Pump Inhibitors are specific category of drugs that regularize the secretion of gastric acid in the stomach. The various drugs included in PPIs are: Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Dexlansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole and Rabeprazole. They are given in conditions like gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer and dyspepsia and stress induced gastritis.

Gastric acid, obviously, is important for the body functions like for digestion and to get rid of toxic pathogens. But in some situations such as, excessive secretion or if acid backs up into the esophagus damage may occur, specifically in stomach lining and esophageal walls. Proton pump inhibitors create conditions so that ulcers can heal normally and inhibit the entry of gastric acid into esophagus.

What Are The Basic Side Effects of PPIs

These are some of the typical side effects of PPIs: nausea, headaches, rashes, fatigue, dizziness, abdominal pain and diarrhea. On an odd occasion PPIs may be a reason for people suffering anxiety and depression. Furthermore, proton pump inhibitors can professedly bring about long lasting and severe damages to the body. These serious problems occur when the patient has used these drugs for a longer duration and, is taking heavy doses of PPIs.

Other Side Effects of PPIs

If taken for longer periods certain other side effects of PPIs may occur. It can cause the bones to get fragile. This happens on account of PPIs decreasing flow of stomach acids, that allows for the absorption of calcium. Calcium is the element that is needed so that the bones, can remain strong and healthy. So, due to that the long term takers of PPIs are prone to fractures, specifically the hip bones. Doctors advise people suffering from Osteoporosis to be vary careful while using the PPIs. The same kind of decrease in absorption may occur with the B12 vitamin as well. This element is needed for healthy bones.

If the inside body environment is acidic it is hostile to bacterial growth. This is especially true for the stomach acids. As there is a single opening for trachea as well as esophagus, fragments from esophagus on occasions go up to enter the trachea, when we are lying down. During this process its likely that bacteria may go with it as well. And, the odds of such disasters increase due to reduction in the acid levels because of PPIs intake. If that happens there is an increased chance of bacterial pneumonia as a result of lung infection.

Clostridium difficile a genre of bacterium can really ruin our system. Generally transmitted orally via ingestion, the bacterium give rise to relatively deadly diarrhea, colitis or inflammation of the colon walls. Normally the bacteria is inhibited by our immune system yet an altered ecology of the gut on account of PPIs, leaves us defenceless against it. So to inhibit it the intake of drugs should be in controlled doses.


To conclude the dosage should be prescribed on a case by case and individual basis.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Detecting and Treating of Silent Reflux

Silent reflux is otherwise called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) and the terms are regularly utilized conversely. Silent reflux is like acid reflux and GERD. They all include the spilling of stomach contents (food and fluid) and stomach acid back up, through the esophagus because of an atypical relaxing or debilitating of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) or if there is excessive pressure on it. The lower esophageal sphincter is a band of muscle at the base of the esophagus where it joins with the stomach.

Silent reflux or LPR is unlike GERD and acid reflux disease in that patients more often don't suffer from heartburn. Indigestion is one of the primary reflux symptoms that warns those with GERD and heartburn disease that they have an issue. So the term ‘silent reflux'. Left untreated, it can cause other more serious medical conditions, so the earlier is diagnosed the better.

How Would You Know Whether You Have Silent Reflux?

With the non-appearance of excruciating heartburn, lots of people are not even aware they have it. So the key question is: How would you know? Indications can include sore throat, hoarseness, a lot of throat mucus, unending hacking, inconvenience in swallowing and the feeling of having a lump in your throat. In the event that you are having these symptoms your doctor can do tests to check whether you have silent reflux or LPR. The two most standard tests are the ph-MERTY test and the Barium swallow.

The ph-MERTY test is used to test the acid level in the throat and esophagus and the barium swallow is used to check the swallowing mechanism. Anyhow, changing your eating routine and dietary patterns can also help you to know, what is annoying you and what you have to do to keep these symptoms at bay.

Silent Reflux In Kids

Unlike heartburn, acid reflux disease and GERD that is often associated with adults, silentreflux is commonly found in babies and kids. This can be to a great extent difficult to diagnose in the first place. Signs your baby may have silent reflux include sudden crying and colic like symptoms, irritability, spit and regurgitating, hiccups, recurring ear infections, inconvenience sleeping/waking up every now and again, abhorrence for food, excessive drooling, red sore throat.

Treatment Of Silent Reflux

Treatment is like treating acid reflux or GERD symptoms. Furthermore, similar problems are present in doctor prescribed drugs - severe allergic reactions and severe side effects. Evidently, these medications are also unreasonably unsafe for your child or baby. Most symptoms and causes for these reflux problems can be dealt with naturally through lifestyle modifications and changes in diet and eating routines. And, also by using local or natural remedies.

Treatment in children and infants can be more limited. Nonetheless, you can use various home remedies without dread of reactions. Silent reflux in children and babies can usually be relieved by holding them more upright when feeding and trying to put them to sleep, in a position that keeps their upper body raised as this can, help keep the reflux action at bay.


Silent reflux can become serious so treatment should start at once after diagnosis.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Escape Uninvited Ailments Emerging from Stomach Acid

Stomach acid has a great role to play in the killing of dangerous viruses and bacteria that you, consume with eatables. But this acid become an issue when it escapes lower oesophageal sphincter and enters, in the subtle lining of the oesophagus.

Are you disturbed at night?
Nighttime Indigestion disturbs four out of five individuals who suffer, regular acid reflux and heartburn. The restlessness and nasty taste might make your sleep uncomfortable. However, the good news is that at times, all you need to avert nighttime heartburn is, a few alterations in your lifestyle.

Have a Peep on instant remedies:
There are many things that you can try to get rid of this heartburn:

  • Make it a point to sleep on the left side. This angle seems to prove helpful in diminishing the symptoms of nighttime heartburn. This remedy is really effective for many people.
  • Try to sleep with upper body raised. When you lay flat, the stomach and throat are basically at same level. That makes it very easy for the stomach acids to flow up oesophagus, causing heartburn.
  • You need to lose some weight. Yes, Nighttime Indigestion many a times gets worse as you gain more pounds. But, in case you are losing weight, it will keep you away from heartburn symptoms. So, you need to plan out your diet and go out for walks, so as to lose weight and avoid heartburn.
  • Are you fond of wearing tight clothes? If yes then you need to shed this fondness. Exactly! It is because tight clothes, specifically near your waist can put pressure on stomach, leading to symptoms of heartburn.
  • It is apparent that the food is crucial in heartburn. You need to avoid food that triggers indigestion. Eatables that activate heartburn differ, from person to person. The most common beverages and eatables that can lead to heartburn and interrupt sleep are, caffeinated drinks like, tea and coffee, cocoa, alcohol, chocolate; onions; peppermint; garlic; milk and greasy, spicy, or fried foods. In addition, acidic food items like citrus or tomato items. So, just check out from where your heartburn stems!

To conclude, it is important that you avoid NighttimeIndigestion because it can, result in serious damage. Just limit the time that acid remains in your oesophagus and you can, escape uninvited ailments.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

It is Time You Understand the Side Effects of Antacids

It is needless to say that stomach acids play an important role in the body. Anti-reflux medications fundamentally turn off, production of acids in your stomach. It is possibly throwing off the natural balance of your body. As the number of side effects associated with these drugs continues to, increase in length and sternness, it is vital to understand the dangers and look for treatment alternatives.
What kinds of side effects are there?
There are many Antacids Side Effects. You can have a look at a few of them:
  • Antacids might cause dose-dependent rebound hyper acidity and also a milk-alkali syndrome.
  • Antacids that house aluminum hydroxide might lead to constipation, aluminium-intoxication, hypophosphatemia, and osteomalacia.
  • Antacids that encompass magnesium possesses a laxative effect that might cause diarrhea. In patients having renal failure, Antacids may cause enhanced magnesium levels in the blood. It is because of the diminished ability of kidneys to remove magnesium from the body in urine.
Normal digestion
The stomach is designed such to endorse and maintain a healthy pH 3 acid environment. Stomach acid is vital to digest proteins. It is an essential part of the immunity system in that it, guards the body against germs people ingest, with their food and water. It also promotes and supports a welcoming, intestinal flora.
When such an environment is consistently higher than pH 3.0, illness seeps in. So, in case you are taking Prevacid, Protonix, Prilosec, Nexium or other similar antacids it is high time you re-evaluated the use of these drugs.
Remember that a healthy PHP 3 environment inside the stomach will digest, meats and other proteins. In addition, crush them up into their amino acid components. It is, so that body can absorb such tissue-building particles and assist in, production and release of vitamins and minerals from foods one eats. This food is then released in first part of the small intestine through, pyloric valve. Wherein, it is blended with more alkaline digestive enzymes from pancreas and gallbladder, forming a higher ph.
With which drugs the antacids interact?
If you are thinking that there are no Antacids Side Effects then you have to explore a little further. When antacids are consumed with acidic drugs, they lead to the absorption of acidic drugs, to be diminished. This causes low blood concentrations of drugs that eventually, results in reduced effects of drugs.
Antacids that are taken with drugs like pseudoephedrine, Semprex D, Clarinex-D 24hr, Clarinex-D 12hr, Deconsal, Claritin D, Entex PSE, and levodopa etc., increase absorption of drugs. So, can lead to adverse events because of enhanced blood levels of drugs.
Similarly, the Antacids that have magnesium trisilicate and magnesium hydroxide when consumed, with some other medications like tetracycline will bind to drugs and diminish their absorption and effects.
Remember that sodium bicarbonate has a vigorous effect on the acidity of the urine, and it can affect the elimination of some drugs by the kidney. Thus, sodium bicarbonate constraints the excretion of basic drugs like quinidine, Quinidine Gluconate, Quinidine Injection) Quinidine Sulfate and amphetamines, and upsurges excretion of acidic drugs like aspirin.
The bottom line is that there are many Antacids Side Effects and you cannot deny it.

What are the Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors?

Possible Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors - A Review Given how commonly these medications are prescribed, it is important to...